Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Celebrities helped the Los Angeles Mission serve Thanksgiving meals and celebrate its 75th anniversary. The Los Angeles Mission is a nonprofit organization serving the homeless living on the streets of downtown’s Skid Row. Faithfully, for 75 years, they have saved many lives and have had a profound impact on thousands of others by providing compassionate, humanitarian services to those in desperate need.

On 22 Nov actors Kirk Douglas, Harrison Ford, Calista Flockhart and Nia Long were among the famous faces helping out and bringing attention to the cause. Wearing red aprons and plastic gloves, they stood alongside volunteers at the annual feast at downtown’s Los Angeles Mission, doling out turkey drumsticks, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, vegetables and pumpkin pie. Actresses Nia Long and Calista Flockhart and “The Hills” reality TV star Spencer Pratt were among others passing out almost 3,000 plates of food to lines of men, women and children.

Kim Kardashian joined Jennifer Love Hewitt and Zoe Saldana at the Los Angeles Mission on Friday afternoon, November 23. On the day the Los Angeles Mission was ready for the hungry masses, with 3,000 pounds of turkey and 80 gallons of gravy. Of the effort, Miss Kardashian tweeted, "Just left the LA Mission. Met so many kind hearted people! They're goal is to feed 120,000 people by the end of the yr! We fed so many today".



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