Veena Malik appears topless on the front of the December issue of FHM India, sparking outrage among conservatives in Pakistan - both for her nudity and the reference to Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI as she is sporting a tattoo of the initials 'ISI' on her arm in the picture. The issue also has Malik talking about controversial topics like veil in Muslim societies. There is also an alternative cover of FHM for the month with Veena Malik that is less revealing.
Veena told PTI and also in reality show Swyamavar in Mumbai that she is well aware of limitation of a Mushlim woman. She says "I have never posed nude. I have never done anything like that ever. My manager and legal team is looking into the matter. We will take legal action against them". However, FHM India's editor, Kabeer Sharma has a different story. Sharma told the BBC: 'The photo shoot was done in Mumbai on November 22. We have video footage of the shoot as well as emails from Veena about how she's looking forward to the cover.
The image was revealed on FHM India's website, Facebook page and Twitter account simultaneously today.
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