Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Tennis is always a glamorous game.  Mostly the girls who play tennis are very beautiful, and successful models in beauty world. It is always difficult to choose only 10 hottest tennis player among them.  However here is our pick. 1. Maria Sharapova No tennis beauty list complete without this Russian beauty. She is glamorous and the hottest tennis player in our list. Maria was named one of '30 legends of woman tennis' by Time...

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

World War Z suppose to be a Si Fi Zombie movie, sound interesting so I went to watch the movie on the first weekend of its release. High expectation that ultimately falls flat. I didn't find the movie much interesting except Brad Pitt. There are no 'blood' at all and not much scary scene. The Si Fi plot is also very loose, do not have much to believe. Acting wise everyone performed well, that is the thing that made the movie watchable. My personal opinion, the movie may look better in 2D rather than 3D. I watched the movie in 3D, its post-production...